I could say that I waited impatiently for this day to come I can say that I absolutely adore the Olympics. I can say that I should have found a way to go to London to be there live – and not watching on TV from my home in Michigan.
Tuning into the Opening Ceremonies is like going to a baseball game early to see batting practice for me. It’s everything that happens before the competition begins. And it’s exciting.
The history of London and England was exciting to see performed. There is nothing like seeing each era performed in such a way that leaving the television screen was hard for me. Seeing children be scared by Lord Voldemort, saved by Mary Poppins and narrated by JK Rowling was interesting to say the least.
But the longest and by far the coolest part is the Parade of Nations. Being able to see every athlete – or just about – walk with their flag around the stadium exceeds all descriptive words.
They are setting the stage for themselves. This gives them a moment to take it all in – the Olympics in all their impressive and intimidating glory.
I was impressed with the Opening Ceremonies and will be sad when the Closing Ceremonies arrive.