One of my favorite things about the fall is being able to sit on the couch, wrapped in my favorite blanket, watching a football game on TV.
But there is something special about watching NFL games in October. It has everything do with the pink accents that grace everything from gloves to hats and shoes to towels.
I’ll say this now, but I don’t like the color pink. I have one shirt with pink in it and it is the shirt from my powderpuff football team my senior year in high school. However, the color pink does stand for something important to my family and families across the world.
Breast cancer awareness.
It really says something that a sport dominated by men (the only women you see are their wives or the reporters) to show their support for this cause. It makes me smile.
Major League Baseball has a few games in October and they alos have their own way of showing their support. On Mother’s Day, they play with pink bats and wear everything from pink necklaces to pink wristbands. They also offer pink bats in the MLB.com shop to purchase.
The NFL takes it to an entirely different level. And I love it. I’m proud to be a fan of a sport that knows a worthy cause when they see it and will help do whatever they can to help. A group of men wearing pink however they chose to support the women, not only in their lives, but in the lives of their fans is beyond words.