The summer between my sophomore and junior year at Spring Arbor, I found this internship with (oh, what a dream!) and in the process, I found out about a Master’s of Sports Journalism program at IUPUI.
As my junior year progressed, I applied for the internship and thought about the Master’s program. But continuing my education kind of just got pushed to the back burner.
Part of the reason that I was willing to delay my education was to be with my then boyfriend. We had talked about marriage and there was the possibility that we would get married after graduation. He didn’t know what his career path would be, but the benefit of me being a writer is that I could do that job anywhere. I was willing to follow him wherever he wanted to go.
But in July 2012, we broke up. I was heartbroken because I had spent 2.5 years with this man. I thought I was going to marry him. God obviously had a different plan for me. I realized then that I was meant to be pursuing my education.
I spent my entire senior year thinking about IUPUI. I took the dreaded GRE in October. I applied to the program in March. While everyone was looking for jobs and worried about life after college, I knew I was going to be going back to school. I wasn’t worried about jobs like they were. I had gotten into my backup program. I heard about my acceptance to IUPUI mere days after my graduation while I was at a Detroit Tigers game with my grandpa, step-grandma and mom. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect place to learn about such good news!
A week after that, my mom and I took a visit to the school. I fell in love. Indianapolis is beautiful. And the program is something special. One year, 30 credits, 10 classes all about sports. It’s a dream.
Then I had to figure out the details – a place to live, a job, loans, etc. And those things are starting to fall into place in a way that proves that God is orchestrating each and every step.
The drive to Indy is 4.5 hours from my home, about 3 hours longer than my drive to Spring Arbor. I’ll really be out on my own – for the first time.
I am beyond blessed to find myself on such an awesome journey.