A Biblical challenge

For one of my courses this semester, my professor handed out a challenge of the Biblical sort.

Read a book of Proverbs, Acts and one of the gospels that corresponds with the number date of the month.

Read the Bible EVERYDAY and not just for a homework assignment, but to make it a daily habit. So that in a year from now you’ll have read these three books of the Bible 12 times. Amazing concept, isn’t it?

At first I struggled. I admit it wasn’t easy to just “find” the time somewhere in my jam packed schedule. Most of the time I struggle to just update my blog. But the more I read, the easier it became – I liked, no loved, doing it.

I realized the importance of taking this time to be by myself with God. Listening for where He’s calling me, telling Him what I’m thinking about, praying for and feeling. This is time for just me and Him. It’s like spending time with your best friend. You invest in them. And now I’m investing in my relationship with God.

What a marvelous feeling that is. To know that God’s got your back. Through the good times and the bad times too. I’m His – and right now that’s all I need.