I love sports. And I’m a girl. That would make some people cringe.
But growing up I found myself sitting in the bleachers at Tiger Stadium eating peanuts and keeping score. Then I started playing soccer and volleyball as well as being a competitive swimmer. I once tried softball (they called me Mega-Megan because I was a power hitter) and even gymnastics.
I’m no girly girl. I’m just an avid sports fan.
Most of the apps on my iPhone are sports related. BleacherReport tells me what is going on for my favorite teams and keeps me in the sports loop.
I’m passionate about sports. I write about them. I watch them. I even play some of them.
Some may say I’m not credible enough to be a sports writer, but maybe you should read a few things on this blog or check out the sports articles that I’ve written for my school publication.
I’ve found something I love and I’m going to write about it until my fingers won’t let me write anymore.