“The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.” Anais Nin
Favorite Quotations
Desiderius Eramus
“When I have little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.” Desiderius Eramus
Jamie Anne Royce
“If you’re dating a writer and they don’t write about you – whether it’s good or bad – then they don’t love you. They just don’t. Writers fall in love with the people they find inspiring.” Jamie Anne Royce
David Bailey
“Just do it. It doesn’t matter if people like it. As long as you’re happy.” David Bailey
“The Writer’s Prayer” Chuck Wendig
“I am a writer, and I will finish the s**t that I started.” Chuck Wendig, “The Writer’s Prayer”
Jonathan Culver
“I write because writing is power. Writing is creation. When you write you are a god, a deity wielding his pen like some Harry Potter staff, making whatever you want to happen, happen. By sheer force of will and some clever word placement, I can arrange all of these little symbols together to invoke emotions […]
Kellie Elmore
“The pen to a writer is like a cigarette to a smoker; they need it to take the edge off.” Kellie Elmore