I am beyond blessed to be a part of the National Sports Journalism Center. And part of my experience includes getting media credentials for the Big Ten Championship Game between Ohio State and Michigan State. Follow this blog to see what the entire experience is like for me.
My Life
#thanks: christmas tree hunting
My family has this tradition of Christmas tree hunting. We go out to a Christmas tree farm and pick out our tree. Well being in Indy and knowing that finals are coming up, I chose not to make the trip.
#thanks: coffee, coffee, coffee
Today I am thankful for the large amounts of caffeine that I consumed today to make it through writing a homework assignment.
#thanks: awesome co-workers
Today, I talked the people on my floor of the office into going out for lunch. And I am thankful that they went with me.
#thanks: friendly advice
It was a little after 2 am when a friend and I stopped talking on Facebook. He left me with some very good advice. I even told him that it might even end up here. And after a day of homework and watching it storm outside my window, I realized that it was the only […]
#thanks: change in weather
I love fall. Adore it actually. Except for the fact that baseball is over and basketball coverage consumes ESPN.
#thanks: Indiana Pacers

As much as grad school drains me of my free time and my social life, we get the opportunity for extremely awesome experiences. Like having a media pass for an Indiana Pacers game. Yep, you saw that right, I was officially for one night a member of the media for the Indiana Pacers.
#thanks: naps
I don’t think I’ve napped more than I have since I’ve started college. Today, my body was telling me to sleep. So I did just that.
#thanks: spud bud

Most of you are probably looking at that title and going, “What the heck is a spud bud?” Well let me tell you. Spud bud is the nickname that I have for my brother Jordan. And with that, I’ve apparently started the “I’m thankful for my family portion of the month” (yesterday was my mom […]