It was hard to pick something that I was extremely thankful for today because it was pretty dull day. I unintentionally slept in, couldn’t accomplish all the things I wanted to and still find myself so far behind than I should be in my list of homework. But in the midst of all the stress […]
My Life
#thanks: Indianapolis

The more I thought about what I was most thankful for today, the more I realized it is the new city I call home. In May, I chose to pack up everything I owned (pretty much) and move to Indianapolis to start grad school in the fall. Since August, I’ve been on this amazing adventure […]
#thanks: saying thank you in a different way
If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart Last year, I wrote one massively long blog about all the things I was thankful for in November. I’ve chosen to do that again this year with a few minor tweaks. I have many things to be […]
Live Tweeting the ALCS
I was blessed with the opportunity to head to my home in Milford from my home in Indianapolis for the early in the week games of the American League Championship Series. I had a companion and things got interesting when she wore her Red Sox apparel and I was decked out in blue and orange.
Finally in Indy
As I sit in my new home, I feel blessed. Blessed for the opportunity I’ve been given to pursue my education beyond a Bachelor’s Degree. Blessed for the roof that I have over my head. Blessed for the experiences that I know are coming. Sitting in my bed, surrounded by all the Detroit Tigers memorabilia […]
19 Things to Stop Doing in Your 20s
Tomorrow, I turn 22. I can’t believe it. I’ve accomplished so much in the 22 years I’ve been on this earth – graduating high school and college with top honors, getting ready to start a graduate program, becoming a Christian (just to name a few). And tonight as I was going through a couple of […]
Baseball and Faith
The first knuckleball pitcher to ever win the Cy Young Award, R.A. Dickey poured out his life – every horrible detail and every amazing detail of it – in his book “Wherever I Wind Up: My Quest for Truth, Authenticity and the Perfect Knuckleball.” It was a book that was on my to-read list (which […]
On the Road to Indy
The summer between my sophomore and junior year at Spring Arbor, I found this internship with (oh, what a dream!) and in the process, I found out about a Master’s of Sports Journalism program at IUPUI. As my junior year progressed, I applied for the internship and thought about the Master’s program. But continuing […]
“The Wednesday Letters”
I recently started working out the YMCA just down the street from my house. I bike there everyday and work out on the equipment and then I bike home. Earlier on this week while I was there, I noticed they had a bunch of used books for sale. I perused the selection and ended up leaving the […]
Chicago Conference
This past weekend I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Chicago for the ACP/CMA Journalism Convention for college students. It would be my first conference ever and as cliche as it sounds, it was the best conference ever. As I sat down to think about all of the things I learned while there, […]