#thanks: reading

I can’t wait for Christmas break. It’ll be nice to be at home with my family, but it’ll be even better because I can read for fun.

Don’t get me wrong, I love learning. I love that I’m in grad school. But being told what to read, not so fun.

I have stacks and stacks and lists upon lists of books that I want to read, most of which I won’t be able to get to in the two-ish weeks I have off from school.

I am thankful that reading is something I love doing. It makes the articles about college sports scandals go by a little bit faster. And I could get started on the books for other classes.

It doesn’t help that I’m totally in love with the written word. I once gave a speech about how I’m passionate about words – reading or writing, I just love words.

I have an entire section on this blog about my favorite quotations. I’m not afraid to share them. One of my friends gave me a book to write my favorites in when we were in high school – it’s filled. I have an expandable folder of pages upon pages of quotations under my bed at home in Michigan.

There’s one quotation that I fell in love with several months ago. I’ve shared it with people in person, but never on the web. I’m going to do so today, mostly because I can and because it’s been relevant in my life for over a year now (you can call it a break up quotation all you want, but it’s way more than that).

So without further ado,

There are two people you’ll meet in your life. One will run a finger down the index of who you are and jump straight to the parts of you that peak their interest. The other will take his or her time reading through every one of your chapters and maybe fold the corners of you that inspired them most. You will meet these two people; it is a given. It is the third that you’ll never see coming. that one person who not only finishes your sentences, but keeps the book.Unknown

Today, I’m thankful for the things I read, whether they are the 20 articles on sports scandals, a book about ESPN (that was required for class, you’re surprised right?) or the book my mom recommended to me months ago that sits next to my bed begging to picked up.

Previous days:

November 1: Indianapolis November 2: grad school life
November 3: sports November 4: the NFHS
November 5: cleaning November 6: hump day
November 7: trying new things November 8: inspiring stories